Ads still appearing after purchase
/If you paid for a subscription but still see ads, please click ‘Restore Purchases’ in the Remove Ads page. Pardon the extra step!
Thank you.
If you paid for a subscription but still see ads, please click ‘Restore Purchases’ in the Remove Ads page. Pardon the extra step!
Thank you.
We're planning on improving how the app deals with "Continued" alerts from EC. We're thinking of creating a new option called "Updated" which we would only use if a "Continued" alert had changed with new information in the description.
The idea would be to have options in settings that let you choose the notifications you want.
Please choose the one option that makes the most sense to you. Thank you!
Issued = Alert is first created
Continued = Alert continues with the same information
Updated = Alert continues with new information
Ended = Alert ends
Poll options are below
Send me: Issued, Updated, Ended only. However, if it's related to a tornado, send me any Continued alerts too.
Send me: Issued, Updated, Ended only. No continued with the same info.
Send me: Issued, Updated, Continued, and Ended. I want it all, even if it doesn't change.
Send me: Issued and Ended only. I don't want Updated or Continued alerts.
Please see the Facebook group for the actual poll
1. Make sure your bells are green on the locations page. Simply touch them if they are white.
2. Add extra locations for important places like home, work, school, etc. Therefore, when you're traveling you'll still get alerts from home. You can search by exact addresses and this will also give the best possible forecast and alerts.
3. Until we include "Always Allow" location permissions, it is probably a good idea when traveling to either open the app fairly often or at worst, leave it minimized. Completely closing down the app will most likely not allow the location to update and this is possibly what is causing some users to occasionally receive alerts from an area they have recently visited.
4. We plan to allow the ability to rename your location to "Home, School, Bob's House", etc. All in due time!
5. Make sure that your device has notifications turned on for Instant Weather under Settings (gear icon). See below for screenshots.
So happy to launch! Woohoo! 💙
Adam & Teresa
iOS notifications screen
Android notifications screen
I'm now realizing that some may not know you can upgrade the radar to 5 hours by subscribing to a "Remove Ads" subscription. We should probably rename it to Remove Ads + Upgrade Radar.
Additionally, some have mentioned they don't mind the ads because seeing them provides us with revenue.
While we appreciate that thought, just to be clear, the revenue we receive from a subscription is drastically higher than what we receive from you seeing a small ad banner at the bottom of the app. Without subscriptions, ad revenue would not even come close to paying for data, servers, development, etc.
A huge thank you to all of those who have subscribed! You're the reason we're barely breaking even at this early and critical stage.
We plan to display community reports on the map or perhaps in a list format as well so you can see the reports as they show up in real-time from other community members! :)
We also plan to simplify the reporting process so it's fast, easy and can use your app location if required.
This upgrade will certainly take some time as we have many other top priorities to deal with first like a widget, severe weather information, etc. However, we can't wait to improve this as it sounds like it could be very helpful to those traveling, etc.
Imagine seeing wind damage reports in real-time popping up on the map as a tornado touches down. Invaluable feedback to help us and everyone in the community determine how dangerous a storm is while it's occurring.
The future is now.
It seems the bottom location on your locations page, no matter how many locations you have, is turning white by itself the next time you open the app after adding that location.
FIX (Workaround): There seems to be a simple fix where you set it green again and then it should remain green moving forward.
We're currently addressing the root of the issue and thank you to all those who have provided us with feedback!
Until this is completely fixed with an app update, please keep checking on your locations and make sure they're green and it's quite possible once you've made them green for a second time, they'll continue green.
Thank you for your patience while we dive into this interesting and complex notification sync issue between devices and our server!
UPDATE - fixed in 1.0.465
We did it! #1 Weather App on the Canadian App Store!
And also, we’re beating Twitter at 28 on the top free apps in any category? 😮
Thank you so much to all of you!!! Woohoo!!!
(Note that we have dropped a bit in ranking after a very strong launch - Teresa Feb 13 2020)
Canada's independent and community-driven weather organization. Providing context to severe weather since 2013.