Facebook Poll: Continued alerts from EC

We're planning on improving how the app deals with "Continued" alerts from EC. We're thinking of creating a new option called "Updated" which we would only use if a "Continued" alert had changed with new information in the description.

The idea would be to have options in settings that let you choose the notifications you want.

Please choose the one option that makes the most sense to you. Thank you!

Issued = Alert is first created
Continued = Alert continues with the same information
Updated = Alert continues with new information
Ended = Alert ends

Poll options are below

Send me: Issued, Updated, Ended only. However, if it's related to a tornado, send me any Continued alerts too.

Send me: Issued, Updated, Ended only. No continued with the same info.

Send me: Issued, Updated, Continued, and Ended. I want it all, even if it doesn't change.

Send me: Issued and Ended only. I don't want Updated or Continued alerts.


Please see the Facebook group for the actual poll