Snow Day (Bus Cancellation) Outlook for Monday, November 2, 2020

Snow squalls and lake effect snow has developed off of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron this evening bringing up to 10-20cm to some regions in the snowbelt. This activity is expected to continue into Monday morning along with strong wind gusts up to 90km/h will likely cause blowing snow and near-zero visibility out on the roads. As a result, there is the possibility we see the first bus cancellations of the season with the highest probability around the Lake Huron and Southern Georgian Bay shoreline. There is some uncertainty on how early in the morning that the snow squalls will weaken and if they dissipate before 5 am then It will lower the chance of snow day substantially. Given that, we’re going with an equal chance (50%) as our highest probability and a mix of low or slight chances surrounding the affected region where cancellations probably won’t happen but we can’t completely rule it out.

If there are any cancellations tomorrow morning, you can be sure we’ll be up bright and early beginning at 6 AM with our bus cancellations live blog to keep you updated.

Disclaimer: Instant Weather has zero authority when it comes to bus and school closures. It is completely up to the school boards, bus companies, and local authorities as well as being up to parents to decide what is best for their children. This is simply our best guess based on our forecast.