Going Down, Down, Down From Here On Out! Coldest Air of the Season on the Way!

Issued: December 9, 2020 @ 11:15 PM

Updated: December 9, 2020 @ 11:15 PM

Forecaster: James Follette

It was another grayish day across the province, and we’ll still have more clouds to hang around with us for the next several days. With that said though, we will have plenty of dry days! We have a series of high pressures that will move into the area overnight and through tomorrow, this will keep much of the province dry, with some flurries and showers in coastal areas and the Northern West section of the province.

Taking a look at the current Satellite right now


We have a very large coastal storm and it is spreading low to mid level cloud cover along the coast. This cloud cover will spread through the rest of the province today and tonight, once we get into Friday afternoon we will begin seeing some clearing skies and be in for a nice weekend, however much colder air! The coldest this year thus far!


Looking at the Water Vapor Satellite, we don’t see much moisture over inland areas of the province, but a bit more moisture along the coast, so far however we are not seeing any reports of precipitation falling.


We have lot’s of fog out there tonight along much of the coast, Southern portions and even some Northern areas. Interior will have another foggy night. We have thick fog also being reported tonight, this will persist into tomorrow morning.


Looking at current temperatures this hour, we have some fairly cold air to the north. Temperatures over the mainland a few degrees either side of 0, a bit colder over Northern Interior but along the coast and Southern interior we have temperatures a few degrees above 0!


Looking at the FutureCAST taking us over the next few days. A series of high pressures will be over the province with an exception to a few low pressures that will bring some snow to the mainland and showers on the coast.


Looking at closer to our area here in Vancouver, we have a nice day today except that the clouds stick around with us, so it won’t warm up as much today, then we get into tonight and tomorrow We have a low pressure that will bring some good rainfall for for the Vancouver Area, as well as some good snow far inland!

Expect rain to start late tonight and last through tomorrow and even into Friday, Friday night we will see clearing then a nice Saturday but cold! and then another system for Sunday!


Here is what we can expect in terms of Precipitation totals through next 48 hours or so. For the Vancouver Island area, look for up to 10 or 15mm of rain on the coast, but inland much of that precipitation is in snow form! Vancouver and surrounding areas. up to 20 mm, a little over 30 mm to further north but most of that will be snow.


Here is how much snow we can expect, Vancouver Island, as much as 5 to 10cm! then Vancouver and surrounding areas, 15 to 20cm far inland, but closer to the city in the west we could see a few slushy inches.


Taking a look at the winds, the good news with the coming system is that there is not much wind, we’ll see winds increase tomorrow and Friday between 30 and 50 km/h and then quiet down to light again by Saturday. Also looking for light winds tonight and tomorrow.

Vancouver 7 day.jpg

Taking a look at the Vancouver & Metro forecast. it’s a fairly cloudy day today but we should see some peaks of sunshine, highs around 5 or 6. Rain and inland snow begins late tonight and lasts into tomorrow. highs still near 5. Clears up Friday Night into Saturday, and that gives us some sunshine with haze, there is a cold front that will sweep through the afternoon, highs of only 3 degrees, but much of the afternoon will be near -2!

By Sunday into Wednesday and even beyond into next weekend… nothing but clouds and rain! We could see as much as 200mm of rain in some spots by the end of next week. Highs in the 5 to 7 range with lows in the 2-5 range.

Have a great Thursday!