Snow Day (Bus Cancellation) Outlook for Friday, November 26, 2021

Snow squalls are expected to develop off Lake Huron and Georgian Bay early Friday morning and continue throughout the day. With reduced visibility and rapid snowfall accumulation, it’s possible that we may see some bus cancellations for London, Goderich, Kincardine, Owen Sound and Collingwood. Now the squalls won’t be super strong so we’ve gone with a 50% probability of a snow day. Surrounding regions have a 10-25% chance of a snow day.

Also, it seems that the school boards in this region are particularly less sensitive to inclement weather and more likely to roll the dice on not cancelling the buses so we’ve accounted for this with a lower probability. Even though based on the weather conditions, we believe they should be cancellated as travel during the morning and afternoon will be quite difficult in the affected regions.

Another area further north through the North Bay, Pembroke and Bancroft area may also see some cancellations due to some heavy system-related snowfall along with icy road conditions as temperatures will drop well below the freezing mark early in the morning.

If there are any cancellations tomorrow morning, you can be sure we’ll be up bright and early beginning at 6 AM with our bus cancellations live blog to keep you updated.

Disclaimer: Instant Weather has zero authority when it comes to bus and school closures. It is completely up to the school boards, bus companies, and local authorities as well as being up to parents to decide what is best for their children. This is simply our best guess based on our forecast. Also note that due to the current pandemic, some school boards have changed their policies on school bus cancellations. Some will continue the school day in a virtual format should there be school bus cancellations - check with your local board for more details.