Storms Firing Up and on the Move! Mother Nature Is on the War Path

Issued: November.23rd, 2020 @ 4:00 PM

Updated: November. 23rd, 2020 @ 4:10 PM

IW 4PM Daily Evening Update

Forecaster: James Follette

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Good Afternoon! it is 4:10 PM this Monday afternoon!

We are currently tracking a line of thunderstorms located with 3 low pressures merged together and intensifying into a strong low pressure.

The line of thunderstorms currently stretches from Cape Cod to Maine and entering New Brunswick.

Some of these storms are feisty and could produce some small pea size hail and strong damaging winds along with torrential downpours and intense frequent lightning.


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Another storm cell has just developed near Second Lake and Engineering Lake. This is a strong slammer storm with loud thunder, heavy rain, and cloud to ground lightning. If outside, please take cover and seek shelter.

Stay away from water and trees, Do not go to high ground, seek low ground, and stay inside until the storm has passed.


We have 2 Strong slammer thunderstorm over near Tusket River Wilderness Area and Kempt Snare Lake, and Halfway Lake near HWY 103.

Both of these cells are Strong slammers and are cloud to ground lightning.

These storms have been reported to produce small hail, intense lightning, loud thunder, Strong winds.

If you're in this area, please seek shelter right away! stay away from the water and trees, find the lowest ground, and stay away from high ground.

Remember, If you hear the thunder roar, go indoors!


We have another thunderstorm cell that is a Strong slammer just over French Clearwater Lake near HWY 308 North, towards Marcel Lake, Hog Lake, Springhaven Duck Lake, Mingo Lake, and Gaval Road.

This storm cell is Cloud to ground and is creating heavy rainfall, strong winds, pea-size hail, intense lightning, and loud thunder.

If you're in these areas, please seek indoors right away! Stay away from water and trees and find the lowest ground.

Stay inside until the storms have passed.

Keep checking with IW for the latest on these storms, and on the IW App where you can track the storms on our amazing radar!

for the latest track on lightning strikes! you can go to

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An intensifying system is developing over Southern NH right now, Heavy Rain and thunderstorms are ahead and behind a cold front. Strong cold cloud tops are bubbling up off the coast of Cape Cod. This is a sign of intensification and higher cloud tops which produces those thunderstorms.

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Looking at the radar, we can see those bright red and purple colors, Those are areas of intense heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, and hail.

A look at the province, we have some good moderate to at times some heavy rainfall over Western sections and some lighter rainfall over Yarmouth and parts of inland Shelburne, Lunenburg, and Queens.

Rain at times moderate to heavy also working its way towards the Northern parts of the province.

We will have more on this as it develops this afternoon and evening along with the latest on the Strong Winds and continued heavy rain expected through tonight, and damaging winds over Cape Breton

You can catch the latest on the line of storms, the rough storm for tonight and tomorrow, and the latest regional 5-day forecast all at 5 O’clock.

Have a great afternoon, Be safe, Be well, Buh-Bye!