Tonight's Pink Supermoon (April 26 2021)

Credit: Photo of 2016 Supermoon Lauren D.

Credit: Photo of 2016 Supermoon Lauren D.

Tonight's full moon or Pink Moon is also a supermoon. The full moon in April is called Pink Moon not because it will appear pink but because of pink wildflowers (phlox) that bloom in the spring. Other names of the full moon in April are Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Hare Moon, Egg Moon, and Paschal Moon.

Supermoons occur when the moon is at its closest approach to the earth during the new or full phase. The orbit of the moon is elliptical and the distance from the earth to the moon varies quite a bit. It can be as close as 356,500 km at perigee (average is 363,300 km) or as far as 406,700 km at apogee (average is 405,500 km). There is a significant difference in the size and brightness of a supermoon and micromoon. A supermoon is 14% bigger and 30% brighter than a micromoon.

If you miss tonight's supermoon you will get another chance next month with May's Flower Moon , which is also a supermoon and the moon will be slightly closer to earth (157km).


Educators and astronomy enthusiasts: JPL has an activity on how you could measure this difference over many months.