HUGE upgrade

Early this morning, we’ll be deploying and testing a HUGE upgrade to our system that we’ve been designing and coding since the app-meltdown on June 10th, when we doubled our user base in only a few hours. This happened because of a severe weather and possible tornado outbreak in southern Ontario. I say “possible” because if only one more tornado is confirmed, we’ll have reached the minimum number of tornadoes to be classified as a “Tornado Outbreak”; 6.

We’ve already upgraded our servers quickly to bandaid the issue and this allowed us to work great during several large events in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. This was put to the test in southern Ontario today with widespread alerts and big stress on our servers but thankfully, our bandaid fixes held on!

Long story longer, I’m super excited for the upgrades today!! If all goes well (and we should probably do a big notification test to make sure), we will now automatically deploy an infinite number of servers to handle any level of traffic the app receives for all major processes.

Sunday looks possibly severe in southern Ontario and that’s what we’ve been preparing for. What’s a good time for a notification test? 🥰
