Snow Day (Bus Cancellation) Outlook for Tuesday, February 16, 2021

A significant snowstorm is set to bring widespread snowfall accumulation between 20-30cm across Southern Ontario overnight Monday into Tuesday morning. Schools are scheduled to return to regular in-person learning on Tuesday for the rest of the regions not yet fully open. But that will likely have to wait for another day as it’s very hard to see how school busses will be able to safely operate in this weather which will likely be probably the strongest storm many locations have seen in at least a year. Almost all of Southern Ontario with a few exceptions through Central and Northeastern Ontario will almost certainly see school bus cancellations and school closures (in some school boards this is automatic due to the pandemic where buses are cancelled).

The probability of school bus cancellations decreases as you go further to the north with less snow expected. For the Muskoka and Parry Sound region, there isn’t a warning in effect from Environment Canada currently but we still expected between 10-20cm of snow overnight. This should be enough to result in cancellations, but it’s not guaranteed.

If there are any cancellations tomorrow morning, you can be sure we’ll be up bright and early beginning at 6 AM with our bus cancellations live blog to keep you updated.

Disclaimer: Instant Weather has zero authority when it comes to bus and school closures. It is completely up to the school boards, bus companies, and local authorities as well as being up to parents to decide what is best for their children. This is simply our best guess based on our forecast. Also note that due to the current pandemic, some school boards have changed their policies on school bus cancellations. Some will continue the school day in a virtual format should there be school bus cancellations - check with your local board for more details.