More Record Heat Continues For The weekend, Then A BIG Change!

Updated: October 3rd,2020 @ 2:30 AM

Valid: October 3rd, 2020 @ 4:00 AM

Forecaster: James Follette

BC Heat Map Saturday.jpg

It was another record breaking day for Temperatures as the continued late summer warmth persists to end the first week of October, Looks to go into the first weekend of October before finally giving up and going to near or below normal temperatures.

Here is a look at some records that were broken on Friday, October 2nd.

Merritt…….. Old record: 18.3 degrees C from 2016, New record: 25.1 degrees C. Average is 17 degrees C

Hope……….. Old record: 22.6 degrees C from 2004, New record: 25.1 degrees C. Average is 16 degrees C

Squamish… Old record: 24.1 degrees C from 1993, New record: 25.2 degrees C. Average is 14 degrees C

Bella Coola. Old record: 23.6 degrees C from 1988, New record: 23.9 degrees C. Average is 14 degrees C

Clinton……… Old record: 23.0 degrees C from 2003, New record: 23.7 degrees C. Average is 14 degrees C

Bella Bella… Old record: 16.8 degrees C from 2016, New record: 21.8 degrees C. Average is 14 degrees C

Prince Rupert Old record: 17.9 degrees C from 2017, New record: 20.2 degrees C. Average is 13 degrees C

Sandspit……. Old record: 15.7 degrees C from 2002, New record: 16.7 degrees C. Average is 13 degrees C

These are just a sample of many records broken on Friday, several towns as warm as 10 to 15 degrees above average. The hot spot in the province Friday was Princeton at 26 degrees C, sadly not a record as the record for Friday was a sizzling 29 degrees from 1975.


These are the max high temperatures from Yesterday (Friday), a small swath of temperatures in the 25 to 30 degree range which is in red, but check out the orange, A very large swath of 20 to 25 degree temperatures which is not uncommon for early October but is at same time, not usual. Those warm temperatures even spread fairly far north of the province where records were also broken.


The Large ridge pumping up the very warm conditions will begin to start flattening out as early as Later today and will persist through the weekend, This will allow for some more unsettled weather and much cooler air to flow down. However the big change where we see some unsettled and very chilly air is not until we get into the latter part of next week towards Thanksgiving weekend and into Thanksgiving.

Even if it will be cooler, Temperatures look to still be almost 5 degrees above normal over the next 2 weeks with day time highs in the 15 to 20 range. Where as by near Thanksgiving, the Average high is between 10 and 15 degrees.

If you’re those kind of people who love this heat, wanting to keep enjoying it and still go to the beach or pool and get a tan, Then you still have the weekend to do so before it becomes a bit cool for the water and tanning.