British Columbia Is Going to Be In for a Fantastic Light Show in the Sky!

Issued: December 9th, 2020 @ 9 PM

Updated: December 9th, 2020 @ 9 PM

Forecaster: James Follette

A CME has reached the earth and is producing light shows to some parts of the country. Auroras could potentially reach as far south as Northern US states. For us here in British Columbia, we are going to be one of the provinces that will see them!

Currently, we have a storm off the coast that is bringing some unsettled weather and clouds to parts of the province, but by tomorrow night, clouds increase and we won’t have a chance for a look tomorrow night.

By the weekend, Friday and Saturday night, skies clear on Friday, so expect many parts of the province with the exception of the coast which will be stuck in clouds. Saturday, another storm rolls in! but we see the mainland of our province still fairly clear.

Nova Scotia to miss out on the Northern Lights show!

Issued: December 10th, 2020 @ 12 AM

Updated: December 10th, 2020 @ 12 AM

Forecaster: James Follette

A CME from the sun has reached the earth and it is possible that northern lights will be seen as far south as Oregon during the next couple of days.

But the question is, will the weather cooperate to make viewing possible? Well sadly the answer is no, We have unsettled weather over next 4 days that will bring nothing but clouds and precipitation.

A potential geomagnetic storm is predicted for tonight and Thursday.

Tonight, a small low pressure will bring scattered showers and flurries and plenty of clouds for the entire province, so tonight is not a great night to see the lights.

Tomorrow Night, There will still be lot’s of cloud cover, but less chance of precipitation. Good news is that there will be some areas in the province that will have clear breaks!

These counties include:

  • Cumberland

  • Colchester

  • Hants

  • Halifax East

  • Guysborough

  • Victoria

These counties will see the chance for a view of auroras on Thursday night.

For Friday Night & Saturday night, mostly cloudy skies will take over for the whole province again.

So best view for the mentioned counties is tomorrow night.